Alliance for Democracy national home page Chapter and council contacts and information on national campaigns on water, corporate globalization, alternative media, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
Alliance for Democracy e-news blog News from AfD chapters and campaigns, and alerts from our members and allied groups.
Alliance for Democracy Portland OR chapter Information on local and state campaigns; links and information on the chapter's television show, "Populist Dialogues"
Alliance for Democracy Rochester, NY chapter
Indiana Alliance for Democracy chapter
"So You Want to Move to Indy?" Indiana AfD's "So You Want to Move to Indy" site looks at where public money goes in Indianapolis--and finds a big share of it funds projects to benefit big-time campaign contributors
Defending Water for Life in Maine Home page for the Alliance for Democracy's Maine campaign to defend the water commons.
Defending Water for Life in Oregon Home page for water protection campaigns and education in Oregon and other west-coast states.
The pine-tree flag of New England was adopted by the New England
Confederacy in 1643, was flown at the battle of Bunker Hill, and even today is the official flag of Lincoln County, Maine.
The brave bird at the top right--
the puffin---is at home on our New England coast